How To Bring People CLOSER…Using Your Voice

The ‘Intimate’ Breathing technique has boosted Julia’s confidence significantly. This ‘intimate’ way of breathing is not new. It has been with you from the moment you were born.

Do you remember?

Your very first breath in the world was deep and full. It went all the way in. And you breathed all the way out.

You didn’t know how to restrict it, or hold it back.

You weren’t in the way of your innate natural breathing.

And most likely your voice filled the room with beautiful lively tones and everyone knew, and FELT, what you really meant. People ‘got’ you. You had buy-in. At age zero plus a minute.

And today here you are…

You have likely studied everything in business that will give you an ‘edge’. You have probably practiced sales techniques until they became second nature for you.

You have spend hours choosing clothes and crafted a professional ‘look’ that is designed to instill confidence and trust.

How much have you invested in your voice? That number one tool you have to make a sale, or help someone fall in love with you?

Julia gets it now.

Her ‘Intimate’ Breathing return her luscious, rich deep and utterly EFFECTIVE business and singing voice.

What if a wonderfully sexy and attractive voice that feels great to others is your birthright?


Here is how the process went for Julia.

First we learned a technique. Then we threw it all away. Julia loved that. This letting go was the moment things got fun.

We first played with some breathing to get her breath lower into her body. It was way up in the chest which was creating anxious tones and a ‘never having enough breath’ feeling.

That wasn’t working for her. Could that be the way you might be breathing right now?

We brought her breath down low into her lower back. We slowed the inhale way down.

Try putting your hands on your back just above your rear end. Breath slowly into your hands like you are warming them up. Breath to a count of seven as you warm your hands with your breath.

Something clicked for Julia when she did that…the bottom end of her breath opened up.

This lower back area is the place we all skip when we are stressed or in a hurry. Breathing into the lower back area is extremely helpful however. So we want to re-connect this.

You can try it now. Make sure you are standing as you do it. Breathe slowly counting to seven…feeling your lower back expand with a feeling of warmth.

My clients do this breathing between business calls. It relaxes and tunes their body and minds. They say they get far more done in the day.

That is what tends to happen more and more as we fall back into our natural breathing. Our Voice follows are inner nature. People love it when that happens because it relaxes them and they open to you more.  They are more ready to do business with you. This is how we get more done in our work day.